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Hi Phil
I recently received a job offer from XXXXX to work in Victoria BC and me and the family will be moving up permanently in June. The tax implications of the move have me quite confused and I’ll need help with the transition. Here’s a snapshot of my situation:
Based on the information above is there anything I need to plan for before I get into Victoria?
I can book a consult if it makes sense.
Thanks for the email and congrats on the new job in Victoria. I can outline some basic tax considerations based on the information above, however it would be best if we could meet to discuss your situation in more detail.
Assuming your family income is comprised of your employment income and your wife’s business income your Canadian/US tax returns would look like this for 2016:
There could be additional tax forms to prepare once we fully establish your tax situation. Please give me a call at 250-381-2400 and we can setup a time to chat.
The information contained in this article is for general use only and should not be viewed as professional advice. Accounting and tax rules and regulations regularly change and individuals should contact a competent professional to obtain accounting and tax advice based on their specific situation.
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